Monday, October 20, 2008

I'M ALIVE!... slightly!

Hey there again!

It's been quite a while since the last post, (May 2008! heck! That was... AUTUMN! hah hah hah).
Well, ever since that time, many a thing has happened, by jove yes.
A few months of blood, sweat, laughter, fun, cheerfulness, regrets, strange surges of confidence, adrenaline rushes, building relationships, relaxaaaaation...

What can I say? It's life!
Firstly, Uni... heh, Uni... it has been a very rough ride, oh so very rough. Landscape Architecture is a very demanding course, its little wonder why RMIT is known as the best design school in Melbourne!
This semester I have been working on Moonee Ponds Creek.. its a vast site, and smells weird. Unfortunately it is polluted, remnants of mankinds destruction and carelessness for nature, some students are actually addressing this issue in their designs!
Speaking of which, the final presentation is due in this Friday! And next Monday is the presentation! So intense, I'm not sure if I can make this last run with enough breath...

We'll see =) Though actually, I can easily finish, just that I'm playing perfectionist so I'm putting lots more work on myself, it might be worth! For I am also entering in a Landscaping competition! Judge by a panel of high authority! The winner takes home $$$ (I think!)

Next! The Optoms... yep! Over this year, I have been hanging around with First year optometry students at MU... lots. I've gotten to know them, and quite well now, I must say... it is so pleasant to hang around with them. A few eccentrics, interesting characters, some sweet people and couple of peeps whom I've known before hanging around with the optoms.
I feel quite normal and happy when hanging around MU hah hah.

Of course, I've got mates at Landscape Archi! The usual ALL NIGHTER crew! hah hah, lets see... mostly Hiro and Rajiv... we are ALWAYS in the labs... working like mad, rushing and stressing. Awesome times guys! Hah hah

So lots of happy times amongst the CRAZILY STRESSING times!!!
Besides, I've got many plans for the holidays coming up! Highly anticipating!! ^^

And there are a lot of... stresses and pains too... but I might save that for another post... at the moment, I think I've got it in control...
Don't want to ruin the mood of this post! It's been happy so far!!

Hmm, so many people I need to catch up with, mostly MHS people and many others... if you are ready this and wanna catch up, just yell!! Hah hah!

Rightyo! I've got plenty more to talk about! But need to sleep, this week is gonna be HECTIC!!
Signing off....