Sunday, September 30, 2007

Design II

If you scroll down, you can see two garden designs, the one below is the one I posted earlier on, just a simple design to keep me happy etc.

The design on TOP is to keep someone else happy! lol. A design for a friend's birthday it is, I know she likes it, but I thought I might as well post it cause I also like opinions on it too if possible. But all in all, this garden design is no longer really mine, but my friends, who has ownership of it via b'day present, heh heh.

I shall explain the aesthetics of this garden. First of one said I'm professional so my statements and implications of the geomatics and design aspects of the garden maybe totally inaccurate...I DID try study more about the garden style though.
I had also sorta re-designed a certain section of in another version, but thats on paper...its slightly different and maybe significant, but thats still alright I suppose....for now

The style is: Cottage Style...perhaps a splash of modernisation in it. There are heaps of conifers (finely pruned and shaped of course), lush lawn, a few deciduous trees and a REALLY fine and outstanding deciduous (or maybe a conifer) somewhere in there (somewhere where its more easily seen) just to provide a bit more 'wow'

On the eastern side of the design, there is a whole row of conifers (circles that follow a line)...and in the corner are some more circles (which are WISTERIA plants). The purpose of this is for the conifers to block out the wisteria so the garden looks plain, green, 'flowery' and very uniform. However, as you venture behind the tall conifers via a slightly hidden path, you will be met with an array of flowers and the sort...note that wisteria only bloom once a season and not for long...BUT other plants will be there and it will be shaded in there and hopefully an extremely relaxing environment for one to recline/sleep/reside in.

Cottage style gardens tend to have hidden parts of the garden...the wisteria vines/plants (wisteria might be grown to climb pergolas, or something climbable so the blooms of the wisteria may be droop and provide a show of its gracefulness and beauty (sounds like a goddess doesnt it?...ah....a goddess....) *ahem*....
North of the garden is a fountain has smoothly running water that will provide a tranquility to the garden. Another purpose for placing the fountain in that area, nearer to the wisteria grove, is that the whilst in that hidden area one can hear the running waters...yet do not see the source of these flowing waters...this may thus invoke a feeling more depth to the garden.

So the ultimate feeling of being in that nice hidden part of the garden? Imagine a beautiful sunny day, its the afternoon, you have that warm fuzzy fresh feeling in you, barefoot you walk into this hidden area, you walk along the path to your corner, the blooms brushing amongst your hair. Finally, you find yourself flat out on soft outdoor bed, and breath in exhilarating breaths of relief as you rest through the evening where the sounds of water will soothe your soul and thus worry not about the coming tomorrow...


There is heaps I will be able to yap on about, but its 1.05am at the moment...and I'm somewhat sleepy, so my first my vocabularly will be down the drain and I won't be able to express the "wonders" (if there are any) of this garden in a better way, but I hope some people sort of enjoyed this blog...

Btw...just to prove I'm more of a weirdo than you people think I am...I'm interested in:
- Tap dancing
- Some travelling, Europe, Borneo, China, Japan...ahh
- Golf (sorta got into this during year 10...)

- Bonsai (4 years already baby!)
- Astronomy...revived my 'mesmerisation' (I get mesmerised thinking about the dynamic universe) recently
- Quantum Physics (...YEA, I know what you are thinking, but I'm actually understanding it despite doing ALL commerce subjects for my VCE...I am NEVER going to touch ommerce ever again >_>")

Signing off for now - Kelv

1 comment:

Polar Bear said...


I like that Black Pine bonsai ;-) looks cool hehe.

woo... tap dancing! I want to learn that as well, plus singing lessons :P heaps to do!

Great design, cant wait to see more!
